If you’re having difficulties paying your rent, please talk to us as soon as possible. Not paying rent and having outstanding rent debt can lead to formal actions which can put your tenancy at risk.
We’ve shared some resources and tips below that can help you manage your expenses and wellbeing. Most of all, we want you to know that there is support available to help you to manage your tenancy and expenses.
1. Communicate – talk about what’s going on
One of the most important actions you can take is to talk about your situation. By doing so, we can work with you to create a plan, such as a payment plan which can help reduce stress and prevent rent debt.
2. Link in with financial supports
There are various community organisations that offer financial assistance during difficult times, including rent assistance and emergency financial
aid. Our team can help connect you with local services that are most accessible to you.
The below organisations can provide financial support to help anyone in need:
Communify, Sustaining Tenancies Team: 07 3510 2789
Salvation Army: 0458 670 497
Encircle Homestay Program by self-referral:
3. Building your financial toolkit
It can feel difficult to take control of your finances, but there are a range of programs that can support you to build your financial confidence:
Salvation Army Moneycare: Free financial counselling and personalised advice. Call 1800 722 363
Queensland Government Initiatives: Save on costs like vehicle registrations and children’s sporting activities. Find out more at queenslandsavers.qld.gov.au
National Debt Helpline: Call 1800 007 007 for free financial counselling.